Tag Archives: starting project

Aeryn’s “Stealth Geek” Blanket

My husband and I are big on stealth geek. What is that, you say? Well, I’d be breaking the rules to tell you.

Yeah ok, all it means is very geeky things that don’t, at first glance, seem like very geeky things. For example, we named our daughter Aeryn. There’s a lot of different ways to spell Aeryn (Erin, Arin, Aaron, etc.), but we chose that way for a reason.

So when it was time to start making a baby blanket for Aeryn, there was really only one choice. Serenity, a beautiful free pattern on Ravelry. It’s a leaf pattern, and the quote on the page is “Like a leaf on the wind…”

Excellent. Continue reading

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File this under: “things I thought were simple but aren’t”

So, I was doing really well at blogging regularly – once or twice a week – and I thought to myself, “hey, I really want to be spending time writing novels. Why don’t I do that instead?” The plan was as follows:

  1. Stop blogging
  2. Use the gained time to write fiction
  3. Finish a book!
  4. Conquer world!

With this in mind, I boldly began my plan. Unfortunately, this is what actually happened:

  1. Stop blogging
  2. Stop writing altogether
  3. …yeah, that’s about it

All that to say, I’m going to try to get back on a schedule of writing, which includes blogging mainly because I feel a lot more guilty if I don’t post something than if I don’t write on a novel that no one sees but me. Go go gadget shame…

We will now resume our regularly scheduled, Most Thursdays, Some Tuesdays programming.


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Because I don’t have enough to do…

…I’m now going to attempt to blog more.

I started this to try and get myself writing on a regular basis, and decided that I would start by trying to post at least once a week (Thursdays) for a month. I have now officially done that (and a little more).

So, my next step in my grand plan to take ov-write more is to increase my blog posts to twice a week. From now on, at least for a month anyway, I’ll be posting Tuesdays and Thursdays. Still no regular schedule as to categories though, as I don’t want to restrict myself so much that I stop doing this.

Wish me luck! (and yes – this post counts, ha )

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Updated Site!

Hey all, I changed the site around a bit to make it easier to read. (I liked the black but it was hard on the eyes for longer posts.) I’m going to tweak the site a bit more in the next few days, probably put the categories back on top and such, so if you have any suggestions/comments about the look let me know.

Also, the site should look really nice now on any mobile device, especially an iPhone (as that’s what I had to test it on!). I’m really pleased with how that turned out!

Planning on a more regular posting schedule right now of every Thursday, with the goal of making it be Tuesdays and Thursdays once I get into a routine here. No topic schedule, though I do plan to eventually put up a category specific rss feed on here so you won’t need to hear about stuff you don’t care about on here. 🙂

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Starting the Botanica Medallion

Sorry for being absent for so long — I had a huge project at work which ended up with me having to go on a two week business trip. It’s still not over which is frustrating for me, but at least I’m being given a little time to recover now — and finally get some posts up!

I subscribe to Vogue Knitting and when the Spring/Summer issue came out a few weeks ago I immediately fell in love with the cover “summer cardi”, the Botanica Medallion. I’ve been looking for a fun, more complex knit to do when I’m totally bored with the sweater (which is coming along nicely but slowly, I’ll probably put up a post on it next week), so I ran out and bought the materials for it right away so I’d have it for my business trip. As it turned out, it was about the only thing keeping me sane on the trip (that and web cam talks with my hubby) so I’m really glad I did. Continue reading


Filed under Knitting